Here is some guidance the NHS have created around the topic of work related stress you can find more by using this link: challenges/work-related-stress/#:~:text=Set%20boundaries%20and%20switch%20off,off%20in%20your%20free%20time.

Identify the workplace stressors:

It can really help to identify what is stressing you out about work. Noting down what makes you anxious/overwhelmed can support you to identify your next steps to cope with the stress. Do you have too many responsibilities, is there a lot of uncertainty or are you finding it difficult to communicate with co-workers or the management team.

What can you change?

Only think about the factors that you can change for example you may not be able to change your working days or hours but can you make time to relax elsewhere in your schedule. Seeking advice about an uncertain work future can help reduce the stress of these situations.

Talk to someone you trust:

Talking to someone at work about the pressure you feel you are under gives them a chance to help change things for you. If you feel you cant speak to anyone at work, speak to a friend/ family member about the issues you are having at work.

Reframe your thoughts and build resilience through cognitive behavioural therapy:

  • Try to explore other ways at looking at the situation you are in.
  • Try to learn the difference between hypothetical worries and practical problems you can solve.
  • Face your fears in order to overcome them, feel more in control and ease anxieties.
  • To do lists can help you build more structure into your day and find a better work life balance
  • Try to shift your mindset so you can accept it and find something you can learn from the situation.
  • You can find out more about these cognitive behavioural techniques on the NHS website:

Set boundaries to help you switch off from work:

Try to leave your work worries at work and switch off in your free time, this is even an important distinction if you work from home. It can help if you wake up earlier to give you time to get in the mindset to work.

Stay active whilst at work:

Add little bits of activity into your working day for example go for active breaks or do some stretching exercises. It is important that in times of stress we don’t fall into unhealthy habits that can make us feel worse. Keeping yourself hydrated and eating healthily at work can also support your physical health.