How to cope with stress at work:
- Understand more about your stress triggers and responses, use a wellbeing action plan to map out what stresses you out and what calms you down.
- Learn different coping techniques and try practicing mindfulness
- Building resilience through practicing cognitive behavioural techniques can help you recover or adapt quickly to stressful situations.
How to deal with common stressful situations at work:
Problems with workload:
Try to seek support from your manager, agree realistic targets and talk about the issues you are having. Do your best to balance your time, claim extra hours back and try to give each task your full attention so you are more time effective. Try to reward yourself when you finish a task for example doing an activity or going for a chat with colleagues. Be realistic in terms of your goals and work within your limitations.
Difficult work life balance:
Make sure you give yourself short breaks throughout the day, make sure you spend time away from your desk preferably outside. Use your holiday entitlement to help you feel refreshed. Develop end of worling day habits for example tidying your desk or setting up a task list for the following day. Try to stay focused on your life outside of work including making time for your hobbies and nurturing relationships.
Feeling unsupported:
Try to find out if your workplace has any support available for example internal support including mental health first aiders or external assistance programmes which offer advice and counselling. Try to tell someone that you feel unsupported, ideally your manager but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that speak to HR or your union representative.
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