Sport England have developed and highlighted some tips and resources to keep you and your kids active and entertained:

Children’s activity hub- resource developed by Sport England and Youth Sports Trust with loads of resources to help you keep your kids active throughout the day including during the holidays.

Disney Workouts- get moving and practice your favourite Disney characters moves or get moving to fabulous Disney songs.

BBC Super Movers- This resource was co-created by the BBC, Children in Need and the Premier League it includes free fun fitness videos that inspire primary school children to be active while they learn.

10 minute shake ups- 10 minute bursts of fun play along games inspired by characters from Frozen, Toy Story and the Marvel series.

Couch to Family Fit- beginner friendly fitness programme involving 3 fitness sessions per week.

Gruffalo in the Forest- free resources including activity sheets and spotting app designed to encourage families to enjoy walking on Forestry England trails.

Beat the Street- This card encourages families to explore their community through prizes and checkpoints through activitiies like running,cycling and walking.

Discover these resources and more on Sport England’s website-