Sport England’s tips to getting started with Physical Activity could be really useful to help you get started on your physical activity journey:

  • Including making small changes to your routine by including small bursts of activity.
  • It’s best to try activities you think you will enjoy and keep trying different activities till you find one that works for you.
  • A plan and goals covering how and when you want to exercise can really help you to have good physical activity habits.
  • You need to build up your activity levels gradually by increasing the length and intensity of activity. This can help you to prevent injuries and soreness.
  • Pace yourself and listen to your body only do what is comfortable for you.
  • Build new habits by repeating the activity you enjoy daily and try new activities that inspire and motivate you.
  • Getting outdoors for physical activity can boost mood and reduce anxiety
  • Wear clothing that you feel comfortable in, you don’t need special kit or equipment. For running supportive footwear can boost comfort and safety, helmets for cycling are also recommended for safety.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after to help your body stay healthy.

More information can be found here-