Not everyone has a routine where they can fit exercise in, you might have some days where you can fit exercise in and others where it is more difficult.
Exercising in a block session can work for some but it is important to be organised, stay committed possibly by going with a friend and choose exercises you know you will enjoy.
Here are a few ideas to help you exercise throughout your busy days:
- Get off the bus one or two stops earlier than usual, and walk the rest of the way.
- Combine physical activity with something you already do, such as walking the dog, shopping or doing household chores. For example, parking further away and walking briskly or doing arm exercise with household items.
- Organise to have standing or walking meetings instead of sitting down.
- Take the stairs whenever you can, instead of the lift or escalator.
- Multi-task for example-do stretches and core exercises or use an exercise bike. While waiting in line could you practice balancing on one foot, look to increase the amount of time you can do this over time.
You can find more tips on how to keep active when you are busy here-