These steps can be taken to improve your wellbeing by making you feel more positive and more able to make the most out of life.

  1. Connect with others- doing this can build a sense of belonging, give you an opportunity to share positive experiences and provide/get emotional support. To build stronger connections you could try fixing a time in the day to spend with family, arrange a day out with friends or play a game with family/friends.
  2. Being physically active- this is key to both physical and mental wellbeing as it releases hormones that make you feel happier, raises your self esteem and helps you set goals/challenges. Use our range of physical activity resources and guidance to help you with this.
  3. Learn new skills- helps you to not only connect with others but also helps you build a sense of purpose, it can support increases in self esteem and confidence. You can do this by trying a new hobby such as writing a blog or learning to paint. You could also work on a DIY project within your house.
  4. Give to others- acts of kindness can create a sense of reward, purpose and will help you connect with other people. Ideas include checking in and spending time with family and friends or offering to help someone you know.
  5. Practice mindfulness- being more present in the moment can improve your mental wellbeing, this includes being more aware of your thoughts, feelings and the world around you.

Find out more about the 5 steps to mental wellbeing here: